About Bees in a Tin | Buy Your Tickets | Key Information | Event Schedule | About the speakers/presenters/performers | About the organisers
About the event:
Bees in a Tin is a gathering happening on the 21st of February at The Bond Company, Birmingham, presenting a host of exciting people who make or are interested in unique interfaces for the world around them. Expect new experiences, performances, talks, artefacts, ideas (and other excellent nouns).
Contributions from some world-leading and boundary-pushing folk will range from robotics to artefact and game design, geology to make-believe, political choreography to transmedia jam, and (if you can imagine it) MUCH MUCH MORE.
Bees in a Tin will feature talks and workshops from key makers and thinkers from around the country as well as two panel sessions for audience questions (and plenty of time to chat in the breaks). If you’re interested in the spaces where the arts, science, technology, and games crash into one another, apologise, and then buy each other a drink: then this is for you.

Photo credit: Gaynor Perry
The keynote presentation will be by composer, multi-instrumentalist, roboticist and historian of sound and the uncanny, Sarah Angliss.
[…]the stage is a tricky place to deploy a machine with an unusual interface. […]
[Sarah] looks at the importance of ‘coupling’ – in particular, the audience’s sense of cause and effect between a musician’s actions and sound. What are we gaining – or losing – by loosening this coupling? Does it matter if the audience have no intuitive sense of the musician’s influence on the music? And how can we deploy coupling to turn any gig into an unforgettable event – one which could never be replaced simply by listening to recorded music at home.
This event is supported by Arts Council England’s Grants for the Arts and The Public, and, of course, by all of those who make up the brilliant programme.
Special thanks too to Kim Wall and Leon Trimble for technical support.
Part of a programme of events supported by:
Cake kindly provided by the Digital Heritage Demonstrator,
University of Birmingham. A project supported by the European Regional Development Fund.